Ora-28365 Wallet Is Not Open

ORA-28365 wallet is not open, an enigmatic error that can leave database administrators scratching their heads. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of this error, exploring its causes, troubleshooting techniques, and preventive measures. By unraveling the complexities of this issue, we empower you to navigate the world of Oracle wallets with confidence and ease.

When encountering the ORA-28365 wallet is not open error, it’s crucial to understand its root causes. These may stem from an improperly opened wallet, a missing or corrupted wallet, or incorrect wallet permissions. By pinpointing the underlying issue, you can devise a targeted solution.


Wallet empty money

The error message “ORA-28365 wallet is not open” indicates that an attempt was made to access a wallet that is not currently open. This can occur for several reasons, including:

1. The wallet may not have been opened explicitly using the DBMS_CRYPTOpackage. 2. The wallet may have been closed explicitly using the DBMS_CRYPTOpackage. 3. The wallet may have been closed due to inactivity or a system restart.

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For the ora-28365 wallet is not open issue, check the database logs for clues.

Troubleshooting: Ora-28365 Wallet Is Not Open

Ora-28365 wallet is not open

The “ORA-28365 wallet is not open” error indicates that the wallet required for the operation is not accessible or not properly opened. To resolve this error, follow these steps:

Opening the Wallet

  • Ensure that the wallet is available and accessible.
  • Open the wallet using the appropriate command or tool provided by your database management system.
  • Verify that the wallet is unlocked and has the necessary permissions.

Checking the Wallet Status

  • Use the “lswallet” command to list the available wallets.
  • Check the status of the wallet using the “wallet status” command.
  • Review the wallet log files for any errors or warnings.

Technical Details

Ora-28365 wallet is not open

The ORA-28365 error, “wallet is not open,” occurs when an attempt is made to access a database without first opening the wallet that contains the necessary credentials.

The wallet is a secure repository for storing database credentials, such as usernames, passwords, and private keys. It is required to establish a connection to the database and authenticate the user.

Underlying Causes and Mechanisms

  • Wallet not found:The specified wallet file could not be located or accessed.
  • Wallet not open:The wallet was not opened using the ALTER SYSTEM SET ENCRYPTION WALLET OPENcommand.
  • Incorrect wallet password:The password provided to open the wallet is incorrect.
  • Insufficient permissions:The user attempting to access the database does not have the necessary permissions to open the wallet.

Examples of Scenarios, Ora-28365 wallet is not open

  • Attempting to connect to a database without specifying the wallet file.
  • Forgetting to open the wallet before executing a database operation.
  • Entering an incorrect wallet password.
  • Trying to access the database as a user who does not have the OPEN WALLETprivilege.


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To prevent the “ORA-28365 wallet is not open” error, proactive measures are essential. Implementing best practices and adhering to proper wallet management techniques can significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering this issue.

One crucial aspect is ensuring that the wallet is consistently and properly opened before any database operations. This can be achieved by explicitly opening the wallet using the “ALTER SYSTEM SET ENCRYPTION WALLET OPEN” command or configuring the database to automatically open the wallet at startup.

Additionally, consider using a dedicated wallet for each database to avoid potential conflicts or accidental closures.

Managing Wallets Effectively

  • Establish clear procedures for opening and closing wallets, and ensure all authorized users are aware of these protocols.
  • Regularly back up the wallet to prevent data loss in case of system failures or accidental closures.
  • Implement a monitoring system to track wallet status and promptly address any issues that may arise.
  • Consider using a password manager to securely store and manage wallet passwords, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Stay updated with the latest security patches and software updates to mitigate potential vulnerabilities that could compromise wallet security.

FAQ Explained

What is the ORA-28365 wallet is not open error?

This error occurs when an attempt is made to access a database wallet that is not properly opened or is missing.

How can I resolve the ORA-28365 wallet is not open error?

To resolve this error, you can try opening the wallet using the appropriate commands, checking the wallet status, or recreating the wallet if necessary.

What are some preventive measures to avoid the ORA-28365 wallet is not open error?

Regularly backing up your wallet, ensuring proper permissions are set, and using strong security measures can help prevent this error.