Wordly Wise Lesson 3 Book 6 Answer Key

Unveiling the Wordly Wise Lesson 3 Book 6 Answer Key, an indispensable guide to unlocking the intricacies of vocabulary. With this key in hand, students embark on a linguistic journey, deciphering the meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and usage of essential words.

Delving into the nuances of abstain, appease, arbitration, augment, and coalesce, this answer key empowers learners to expand their vocabulary, enhance their communication skills, and navigate the complexities of the English language with confidence.

Wordly Wise Lesson 3 Book 6 Vocabulary

Lesson 3 of Wordly Wise Book 6 introduces five new vocabulary words. These words are essential for expanding students’ vocabulary and improving their reading comprehension.

Meanings of the Vocabulary Words

  • abstain: to refrain from doing or taking something
  • appease: to make someone less angry or upset
  • arbitration: the process of resolving a dispute through the use of a neutral third party
  • augment: to make something greater or larger
  • coalesce: to come together to form a single unit

Wordly Wise Lesson 3 Book 6 Synonyms

Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings. Here are some synonyms for the vocabulary words from Lesson 3:

Synonyms for the Vocabulary Words

  • abstain: refrain, forbear, desist
  • appease: pacify, mollify, placate
  • arbitration: mediation, conciliation, negotiation
  • augment: increase, enlarge, expand
  • coalesce: merge, combine, unite

Wordly Wise Lesson 3 Book 6 Antonyms: Wordly Wise Lesson 3 Book 6 Answer Key

Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. Here are some antonyms for the vocabulary words from Lesson 3:

Antonyms for the Vocabulary Words

  • abstain: indulge, participate, partake
  • appease: anger, irritate, provoke
  • arbitration: conflict, dispute, disagreement
  • augment: decrease, diminish, reduce
  • coalesce: separate, divide, disperse

Wordly Wise Lesson 3 Book 6 Usage

The best way to learn new vocabulary words is to use them in sentences. Here are some example sentences using the vocabulary words from Lesson 3:

Example Sentences

  • The students decided to abstainfrom eating candy for a week.
  • The teacher tried to appeasethe angry students by giving them a longer break.
  • The two companies agreed to go to arbitrationto resolve their dispute.
  • The company’s profits augmentedby 10% last year.
  • The two groups eventually coalescedto form a single organization.

Wordly Wise Lesson 3 Book 6 Activities

There are many different activities that can be used to help students practice using the vocabulary words from Lesson 3. Here are a few ideas:

Activities, Wordly wise lesson 3 book 6 answer key

  1. Word Sort: Write the vocabulary words on index cards. Have students sort the words into different categories, such as synonyms, antonyms, or parts of speech.
  2. Sentence Scramble: Write sentences using the vocabulary words on strips of paper. Cut the sentences into individual words and have students unscramble the words to form correct sentences.
  3. Vocabulary Charades: Write the vocabulary words on slips of paper. Have students take turns acting out the words while their classmates guess.

Wordly Wise Lesson 3 Book 6 Assessment

To assess students’ understanding of the vocabulary words from Lesson 3, you can use a variety of assessment methods. Here are a few ideas:


  1. Quiz: Give students a quiz that includes multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions.
  2. Essay: Have students write an essay that uses at least three of the vocabulary words from Lesson 3.
  3. Presentation: Have students create a presentation that teaches the vocabulary words to the class.

Expert Answers

What is the purpose of the Wordly Wise Lesson 3 Book 6 Answer Key?

To provide students with a comprehensive guide to the vocabulary covered in Lesson 3 of Book 6, including meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and usage.

How can I use the answer key effectively?

Use it as a reference tool to clarify meanings, reinforce understanding, and practice using the vocabulary words in context.

What types of activities are included in the answer key?

Interactive activities, games, and assessments to enhance vocabulary mastery and retention.

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