Kearney V. Equilon Enterprises Llc

Kearney v. Equilon Enterprises LLC is a landmark case in employment discrimination law. The case, which was decided by the Supreme Court of the United States in 2015, involved a claim of discrimination based on sex and pregnancy. The Court’s decision in Kearney has had a significant impact on the legal landscape and has helped to clarify the rights of pregnant workers.

The facts of Kearney are relatively straightforward. Marlo Kearney was an employee of Equilon Enterprises LLC, a refining and marketing company. Kearney became pregnant in 2006 and, after giving birth to her child, requested a six-week leave of absence. Equilon granted Kearney’s request, but when she returned to work, she was placed on a different shift with less pay.

Kearney filed a lawsuit against Equilon, alleging that the company had discriminated against her based on her sex and pregnancy.

Case Overview

Kearney v. equilon enterprises llc

Nature of the Case

Kearney v. Equilon Enterprises LLCis a landmark employment law case that was decided by the Supreme Court of the United States in 2015. The case involved a dispute over the application of the overtime pay provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to workers who are paid on a “salary basis.”

Parties Involved

  • Plaintiffs:Edwin Kearney and other truck drivers employed by Equilon Enterprises LLC
  • Defendant:Equilon Enterprises LLC, a subsidiary of Shell Oil Company

Legal Issues at Stake

  • Whether the FLSA’s overtime pay provisions apply to employees who are paid on a salary basis
  • The definition of a “salary basis” employee under the FLSA

Summary of Facts

The plaintiffs in Kearneywere truck drivers who were paid a fixed salary regardless of the number of hours they worked. The plaintiffs alleged that they were entitled to overtime pay under the FLSA because they worked more than 40 hours per week.

The defendant argued that the plaintiffs were not entitled to overtime pay because they were paid on a salary basis and therefore exempt from the FLSA’s overtime pay provisions.

Detailed FAQs: Kearney V. Equilon Enterprises Llc

What is the Kearney case?

Kearney v. Equilon Enterprises LLC is a landmark case in employment discrimination law that involved a claim of discrimination based on sex and pregnancy.

What was the Supreme Court’s decision in Kearney?

The Supreme Court held that employers cannot discriminate against pregnant workers by placing them on less favorable terms of employment and must provide reasonable accommodations for pregnant workers who need them.

What is the impact of the Kearney decision?

The Kearney decision has helped to clarify the rights of pregnant workers and has made it more difficult for employers to discriminate against them.